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Running camera Cat 6 near 220v power wire


Trusted Member
I have three Cat6 cables running from the attic of my home, through the inside of a breezeway, then into my garage. Two cables are for cameras, one is for an auxiliary wifi router in the garage. My garage is powered by a 220v line that is buried in the backyard in conduit and comes up into the garage wall and into a separate breaker box.

I want to remove the buried 220v cable and run it through the breezeway, then drop it down into the breaker box. However, that will require running the 220v cable right next to, if not on top of, the three Cat6 cables. Will there be any problems doing so? The inside of the breezeway, which is nothing more than a short "roof" like structure that connects the home to the garage, is very small with only a very small hole on each end connecting the two. There is no option to separate the power from the Cat6 by any meaningful distance.

If it will cause an issue, can I run either the power cable, the Cat cables, or both in separate (but closely spaced) conduit to prevent problems?
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It seldom causes a problem.
If you should be unlucky, then screened network cable may help.