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Setting up security / user permissions over about 6 dvrs on a domain


New Member
We just have one account, everyone has same access. Obviously we need to lock it down.

I'm just wondering what's the best way to go about this. Ivms 4200. We have lots of different departments that only need access to certain cameras but currently everyone can see everything. A court case waiting to happen!

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
You can of course create different users but the permissions each user has are not very configurable. I tried to do this a while ago and asked about it here - I wanted to create a user which could only view-only a couple of cameras on one NVR and there does not seem to be any way to achieve this. Even if you create a user with the lowest permissions they can still see all cameras and more of an issue for me - they can logon to the NVR and see pretty much every single bit of config.

If you have multiple NVRs then of course you can restrict users to certain NVRs only but I think you will have to create the users/passwords manually on each NVR as required.

If I am wrong or someone has more info on this I too would be interested to learn...

Also it seems admin user is always "admin" - no way to disable or change this which is terrible security. You should be able to disable "admin" and have another named admin account of your choosing.
Damn that sucks. I'll do some more digging and if i find anything useful i'll post it here. It looks like we'll have to just physically limit access to only a handful of users, Thansk.