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Summary Instructions for different browsers?

Doug Williams

Hi All,
I am trying to craft some instructions so that "anyone" can see my IPCCTV output. (We have a pregnant goat and a holiday rental property, the animals are something of a selling point and I want to emphasise this by making a live-feed available on my web site.)

Below, I post the approach I have taken so far. I am interested in:
1) A critique on the approach. Have I done anything that is fundamentally insecure?
2) Whether anyone else has tried to do this and how they may have done so. (I was kind of hoping I might be able to embed a link to a live feed but have seen no way of doing that yet). Is there an easier way? It ends up a bit complex.
3) Improving the instructions to include different actions that viewers coming from different browsers and OS's should take.

I have one Hikvision bullet camera, DS-2cd2022WD-1 4mm camera.
I have updated to the following firmware: V5.4.5 build 170124

1. For the camera, I have created a guest account, in addition to my admin account. the guest account has limited rights - this account can only see the live feed.
2. I have created a personal Hik-Connect account that gives me remote access to my cameras and gives me full control The user name and password for that are private to me and complex.
3. I have a second shareable account on Hik-Connect which will have a user name and password that I will make available to users on my web site.
4. I have shared, from my personal Hik-Connect account, my camera to the shareable account.

Giving "Anyone" the ability to view the camera involves me providing:
- the links to the LogIn pages for the Shareable Hik-Connect account
- the LogIn credentials Shareable Hik-Connect account
- the LogIn credentials for the guest account for my camera.

So far, so good.

But what happens next is browser dependent and I am not sure I have complete picture. Below I post what I think is correct and where I don't know I say so.

Can anyone correct/improve/complete these instructions? I don't include Linux or Opera - these seemed too niche)

MacOS Safari
- download a plug in. I think you have to pre download the plug in. I don't think arrival at the camera site prompts the download of the plug in.

MacOs Chrome
- no idea (but suspect "not possible")

MacOs Firefox
- no idea

PC Edge
- no idea

PC Internet Explorer
- download a plug in. I think that on arrive at the camera web site I was prompted to download a plug in. I suspect I may have had to check a box saying "yes I trust this site" even though IE suggests I should not.

PC Chrome
- no idea (but suspect "not possible")

PC Firefox
- no idea

Thanks for reading this far!

In response to my own post.
I'm beginning to think that whilst this may be possible, it is just not easy enough and that I should not try.
What's changed? - Well I have just realised that to download the Hik-Vision plug-in (at least for MacOs) you need to do so via an account on Hik-Vision web site. That would be a third user name and password pair I'd need to create and share.

I began to think about routing people down the app route. But having just logged out of my app and logged back in with my shareable user name and password - no cameras are listed and I cannot see an option to select "devices shared by others" which is an option that appears on the web interface. Am I missing something?

Any thoughts anyone?