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Supplement light mode always activates on event?

Ray Arts

Active Member
Hi all,

I have been through the guidances on setting up Hybrid / Smart lighting on my DS-2CD2387G2-LU but during daytime with the settings below the lights on the camera will go on when there is an (intruder) event. I was expecting that the lights only will be enabled (gradually) when the night falls because that is my goal.
It is quite confusing the way Hikvision choose wording for all of the lighting options.

Hi @Ray Arts

Can you please confirm the firmware version your camera is currently using?
Thanks @Ray Arts

Can you please share a screenshot of the Linkage Method settings for the Smart Event you enabled on this camera?
Thanks @Ray Arts

Has this light issue always happened or only since updating to the latest firmware?
I am not sure, but I notice in the screenshot for the smart (intrusion detection) event there is another slider called duration. That indicates the "supplemental light" is part of the event - trigger (and not meant to gradually turn on when it gets darker outside).

So it looks like you have Supplement Light set to trigger when Intrusion Detection is activated, if you untick this option that should stop the white light coming on with every event trigger.

The Supplement Light setting in events only controls how the light behaves when there is an event trigger, the supplement light settings in the image menu that you shared earlier in this thread are settings for controlling how the white light behaves when the camera transitions day to night & night to day.

If you follow this forum guide, you should be able to configure the white light to come on at night when the scene is dark enough for it to be required.