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MacOS The latest version of Hikvision's iVMS-4200 software for Mac users V2.0.0.5 - 21st March 2019

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Staff member
Superseded by new version V2.0.0.10 - 4th July 2019 - The latest version of Hikvision's iVMS-4200 software for Mac users V2.0.0.10 - 4th July 2019

Hikvision's latest Mac version of iVMS-4200 (V2.0.0.5) can be downloaded from here:

(an 80MB download)

Please Note
We are finding an increasing amount of Mac users opting to use this Mac version of iVMS-4200 to monitor their Hikvision systems due to declining Mac browser compatibility.

The full latest user manual, release notes, and a datasheet for this software are attached.


Last edited:
Hikvision's latest Mac version of iVMS-4200 (V2.0.0.5) can be downloaded from here:

(an 80MB download)


Thanks Phil .. I've been trying this for a while, but typically buggy. Frequently crashes. Furthermore, doesn't allow upgrading of firmware on individual cameras or NVR, so still need web interface with the [seemingly-never-coming] plugins, etc.
Sorry to hear that.
Are you using one of the OS versions cited in the Release Notes?
 Supports macOS version 10.12, 10.13 and 10.14 (64-bit)

Which OS are you running please?
iMac or Macbook?

I did notice, when following their feedback and providing the above update Post that their UK portal only shows the previous version (V2.0.0.4).
Sometimes this means that the UK Tech Support team are aware of issues and are not providing a perhaps problematic newer release. Other times, they just haven't kept-up :rolleyes:

The V2.0.0.4 version for Macs is available at the UK portal here:

All feedback welcome - I will collate and feed back to Hik Tech Support.
Thanks Phil - sure am using 10.14.3 (64-bit), running on a MacBook Pro *and* iMac. Using IVMS 4200, version (build: 20190220). I was using v2.0.0.4 - but same types of bugs (crashes on occasion, cannot update firmware of NVR or cameras, live view is clumsy).
Thanks for that feedback.
Which Hikvision devices do you have please?
Are they running the latest firmware?
(Checked against the portal i.e. I'm afraid we cannot yet rely upon the device's self-stating 'latest installed' :()
Thanks Phil, details below (all on latest firmware, except I think NVR ... holding back for stability).

NVR: DS-7608NI-I2/8P ... firmware version: 4.1.67 build: 181106
Camera: DS-2DE4A220IW-DE ... firmware version: V5.6.0 build 190128
Camera: DS-2CD2385FWD-I ... firmware version: V5.5.82 build 181211
Thanks for all the info.
I don't see why you should experience any problems with those devices and firmware levels.
I'll wait a few days and see whether we get more feedback / a consensus on problems.
We'll also do some further in-house checks here with our iMacs.
@Dan please note.
I am having similar issues. New MBP running latest OS X so installed the latest iVMS Connecting to 7608NI running 4.1.67.

Live view and play back are working in iVMS, but I cannot see an image in the Image or Event preview screens, so makes drawing lines for detection impossible. However, I tried with an old E-series NVR with a single camera connected and Image and Event preview is working.

I am seeing the same issue on Windows 10, again running latest iVMS but this time connected to K-series NVR.

Any suggestions?
I am not getting Data Error [11] in fact I get no error at all, the Image and Event preview images from the camera just never load. No error makes it challenging to know where to start. Definitely not a Error 11.
I was trying to suggest that perhaps you should test the earlier version of Mac iVMS-4200 to see whether that helped.
Just tried 1.02.02, cannot even get the Image and Event view screens, it completely crashes every time I try and navigate to the this screen. Also tried the Windows version v2.8.2.2, exactly the same as the Mac OS version, main view and replay work fine, cannot get to Images and Events.
I have tried v4.21. The great news is that with v4.21 I can now use the latest version of Safari via a browser interface to set the line crossing and all other event areas again :).

Live View and Playback are also now working in Safari. The only issue is that I can only Live View and Playback the main stream. Which is a major step forward just to be able to use the browser. However, it pops a message saying multiple screens can only be viewed in sub stream is selected and if I select sub stream (even with a single camera displayed) I never get and image. Switch to main stream and it appears. So Live View and Playback only work with main stream and single camera at a time. For now I am happy to accept that limitation just to have browsers access back.

iVMS - no change in functionality. Live view and Playback work, there is no image when you attempt to configure a camera image or event. iVMS v1 - remains so flaky I consider it unusable. I am struggling to get to the configuration screen without it crashing.

Also having re-installed there is an OS X warning stating that coding / libraries used in the this (recently released) product are so old that they will be deprecated in the next release of OS X. So come Oct/Noc when Apple release the next OS X, iVMS will not even start.
Getting message iVMS-4200 is not optimized for your MAC and needs to be updated.
You are the first to report that 'not optimised' error.
Are you running the latest iVMS for Mac? (as per this thread's subject)
What Mac/version please?
Which Hik models and firmware please?
It is a standard issue on the current version of OS X Mojave. The bigger issue is that when Apple release OS X Catalina in October, iVMS may not work at all. This is Apple's warning that support for the libraries it uses are about to be deprecated and will not work in the future.
The issue is unrelated to the Hik hardware and firmware, this is simply that Hik's software is behind the curve and about to fall out of support.
I have to comment that Hik are getting there sloooowly.

4.21.005 firmware on the I-Series does enable Safari to view images plug-in free BUT they have a bit of an issue. Live view and configuration will only stream the main stream NOT the sub stream. If you select sub stream you get a blank screen. So on an iSeries with 8x 3Mpixel or greater cameras, you will get the first 3 cameras, sometimes on a good day 4 camera, never more. It (the iSeries) cannot send more to a browser. This is not a Mac issue as I have a 4 week old MacBook Pro with the fastest CPU that Apple sell, it is sitting idle.

At the IFSEC show in London Excel last week I asked this exact question on the Hik standard and after consultation with more senior experts Hik confirmed that my testing was accurate and although there is a button to toggle between main stream and sub stream, the sub stream setting in this the latest release does NOT do anything. You can select it but if you do you will never get a picture. Who does that? Writes software with GUI elements that they know do not do anything but still present them for you sit and press.
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