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Unable to show only smart events on web playback interface



perhaps someone can help with this issue,
First of all this is my configuration:
NVR - DS-7608NI-I2 / 8P
Firmware Version - V4.61.000 build 220428
Encoding Version - V5.0 build 220428
Web Version - V4.5.0 build 220427
Plugin Version - V3.0.7.44
AcuSense camera - DS-2CD2046G2-IU
Firmware Version - V5.7.2 build 211109
Encoding Version - V7.3 build 211108
Web Version - V4.0.1 build 210924
Plugin Version -

I would like to see in the playback timeline only those configured smarts events and nothing else.
So, using the NVR Web interface, I've disabled Motion and enabled only Line crossing and Intrusion Detection.
For the camera, Arming Schedule is 24/7 and NVR Storage Schedule Settings is Event during 9 AM - 5 PM.
On the NVR event Linkage method for this camera is Send Email & Notify Surveillance Center.

So, I do receive e-mails when line crossing or intrusion detection is triggered, I also receive those events on my mobile Hik-Connect application and I'm able to play them BUT, on my PC, using the NVR web interface, on playback, I see a lot of other events, marked with RED blocks. It seems it is a sort of motion event registered although Motion is disabled.
It is very hard to search through all those red blocks and find the real smart events, I could check the email and see the timestamp then search on the Web interface but this is not convenient.
Any suggestion on what to check ?
I understand that marking events on continuous record is not possible although I see those options in Web playback interface in IE

Thank you !
Hi @aureliandan

Can you share a screenshot of what you are seeing in the playback timeline?
Are both your smart events overlapping in the live image? Can you share screenshots of your line crossing and intrusion configuration?
I would mention first that this is a test configuration to see what is the best method to configure smart events to catch as many scenarios as possible. As you can see in the the first image, there are 4 line crossing (1,2,3,4) and one intrusion detection (5). On the bottom of the playback window all those red marks are registered events although only two smart events were detected and I received e-mails for them. I have continuous record until 9 AM then record only Events.
Line 4 was added as it seems intrusion detection does not work on that region, perhaps is to far from center


Looking now at the configured events, besides Line crossing and Intrusion detection I have also "Scene Change Detection" enabled with 50% sensitivity. Could be from here ? Although what I understand is that we should have a major scene change in order to trigger this event.

On this link you have a gallery with three movies as recorded from the NVR web interface on playback. The first one will show that NVR is recording although no smart event was triggered, second one will show a dog running, smart event is not triggered but the NVR is recording and the last one will show a correct smart event triggered (see comments on the gallery)
NVR Gallery
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Thanks @aureliandan

I think the issue is too many events in such a small scene, the NVR/camera can manage multiple events but when they are very close together or crossing over each other like you have them set up this can cause issues.

The reason you are seeing quite large blocks of red event recording is that even when a slight movement happens in that scene it is likely going to trigger 2 or 3 of those lines/intrusions that you have set, when several events are triggered so close together the NVR doesn't have any time to stop recording and those 2-3 events are squeezed together into one large block of recorded footage.

This is also likely why you are not seeing many event notifications because if too many different smart events trigger close together the NVR can get confused and know what event to notify you of.

If you want to test whether intrusion or line crossing gives you the most reliable triggers then we would recommend testing them one at a time.
Thanks Dan for the explanation !
Confusing is that the the camera is with AcuSense technology and I've checked human as triggered event so I would expect to eliminate almost all other motion events due to trees. As you will see in the last movie when human cross the area, all events are triggered, all those crossed lines are red and the intrusion area box is red, I don't see this during the other registered events where there are no humans in scene.
Please see also attached the smart events configuration:

Thank you
And what is even strange is that I receive notifications in Hik-Connect mobile app only for the real smart events and not for the other events that I see it in playback window with red blocks. It seems those are other event type for which I didn't configure Notify surveillance center
The likely reason that you're seeing indicators for both configured events AND smart events is that you have 'Enable Dual VCA' ticked in the camera menu (it is enabled by default). If you're happy with how you have your 'real' smart events configured, you can switch it off on each camera as shown below:

Screenshot 2022-06-10 at 12.25.07.png

That should mean only your configured events show as markers. Having Dual-VCA enabled allows you to retrospectively search for a line crossing event, that differs to what you have pre configured. However if you don't need that facility it can be switched off.
1. I've disabled "Enable Dual-VCA" from the NVR and I've checked also on the camera interface was also disabled.
Same behavior, red blocks were marked on the playback timeline on the NVR web client for all scene movement.
Based on the documentation:
"Dual-VCA is used for adding VCA information to the stream. When you use the smart playback function in playback, the device can analyze videos that contain motion, line, or intrusion detection information, and mark them in red"
I thought this will mark the event in the timeline if I have for example continuous recording. They say "when you use the smart playback" but I don't see that option in the browser window. I see only an option to mark those events in the timeline but that didn't work.

2. I've disabled all smart events (there are also no basic events enabled) -> no motion registered in the playback timeline (that was expected)
3. I've enabled a small line crossing smart event on an area without trees or movement (Human checked) -> no motion registered in the playback timeline (now that is promising :) )
4. I've expanded the line to cover a few moving branches (no MIN MAX boxes specified on line crossing definition only Human checked)-> a lot of moving events were registered in the timeline, almost a continuous red bar
5. I've added MIN and MAX boxes on the line crossing definition (Human checked) -> now I had only one or two events registered and I've noticed that these events were triggered when the movement was larger than the MIN box. See below the definition of the smart event MIN and MAX boxes and in the next image when the event was registered the motion area was larger than the MIN box



So, the NVR knows when a real event is triggered as it send me an email and also I see that event in Hik-Connect mobile application. I don't receive e-mails or push notifications for the other events registered in the NVR web playback timeline and sincerely I have no clue what to configure so that I get rid of those motion events that are not considered real smart events with human detection.

Any other suggestions ?

Thank you !
I would mention first that this is a test configuration to see what is the best method to configure smart events to catch as many scenarios as possible. As you can see in the the first image, there are 4 line crossing (1,2,3,4) and one intrusion detection (5). On the bottom of the playback window all those red marks are registered events although only two smart events were detected and I received e-mails for them. I have continuous record until 9 AM then record only Events.
Line 4 was added as it seems intrusion detection does not work on that region, perhaps is to far from center

View attachment 7688

Looking now at the configured events, besides Line crossing and Intrusion detection I have also "Scene Change Detection" enabled with 50% sensitivity. Could be from here ? Although what I understand is that we should have a major scene change in order to trigger this event.

On this link you have a gallery with three movies as recorded from the NVR web interface on playback. The first one will show that NVR is recording although no smart event was triggered, second one will show a dog running, smart event is not triggered but the NVR is recording and the last one will show a correct smart event triggered (see comments on the gallery)
NVR Gallery


Just wondering how you managed to get them all displayed at once? For some reason I am only able to see one at a time in the config.... I don't even think I can get that view at all?
As a supplementary note, there is a lot of accurate advice provider by others here. However as of this date: Hik's AI( pattern matching) cannot distinguish between a pigeon, duck or human using accusense recorders/cameras latest kit - yes that's right. If you search Hik documentation(good luck) you will find no accuracy statements, confidence or uncertainty figures or limitations of use -welcome to marketing which is becoming worse and worse affecting every product we buy.
I've noticed this too but only at night, during day time an accusense camera can distinguish between a dog and a person, during the last month I have 100% accuracy on human detection during day time, no false alerts although there are dogs and cats running in the monitored area.
During night, it is another story, almost 100% failure in detecting human vs dogs or cats. although it detects and alerts for human crossing a line it also alerts for cats or dogs crossing the same line. I mention that I have configured the min an max boxes and the min box size is larger than the cat or dog size.
With that said, I think it doesn't worth to buy an accusense camera with strobe light and alarm ... if you want to sleep well and don't disturb your neighbors every time a cat or dog is crossing your monitored area :)
Hi, I know this is an old thread, but just would be curious to know if you could get rid of those additional events? i have the problem here with my NVR/CAms? They are triggering with very high specificity for humans and cars as expected and then also send out emails/alarm outs etc. We have disabled all other detection algos, only intrusion is active now. However, we have several occasions were recordings are triggered (as programmed in the event for all cams), but probably because not positive for humans, no event is triggered (no email, no alarm, no light on etc.), just starting recording. In the event log also there is no information about the trigger, just stating starting recording. How can we get rid of those unwanted obviously non-positive human events? I thought the filter will avoid to start recording, if human not positive... many thanks!!
Hi, I know this is an old thread, but just would be curious to know if you could get rid of those additional events? i have the problem here with my NVR/CAms? They are triggering with very high specificity for humans and cars as expected and then also send out emails/alarm outs etc. We have disabled all other detection algos, only intrusion is active now. However, we have several occasions were recordings are triggered (as programmed in the event for all cams), but probably because not positive for humans, no event is triggered (no email, no alarm, no light on etc.), just starting recording. In the event log also there is no information about the trigger, just stating starting recording. How can we get rid of those unwanted obviously non-positive human events? I thought the filter will avoid to start recording, if human not positive... many thanks!!
There should be something else in the logs before 'Start Recording' that would indicate why it has started recording (if you're recording on event only). The only thing I can think of is that you may see 'Start Recording' when the NVR starts up or a camera connects to the NVR. As you'll likely have a pre alarm time on your events, I'd guess that there is a continual recording into a buffer to store the footage prior to the trigger.
There should be something else in the logs before 'Start Recording' that would indicate why it has started recording (if you're recording on event only). The only thing I can think of is that you may see 'Start Recording' when the NVR starts up or a camera connects to the NVR. As you'll likely have a pre alarm time on your events, I'd guess that there is a continual recording into a buffer to store the footage prior to the trigger.
No, unfortunately we get at the time when we also see the records later just the log start recording for each of the cams, where the recording is started and then later on after a few minutes (as programmed) also a stop recording entry. Unfortunately no other event to understand what the reason for starting was, because as said, the human detection intrusion was not positive for this records... thanks!