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Unusual Line Cross Triggers? (only at night)


I have a DS-2CD2386G2 camera connected to my DS-7608NXI-I2/8P and have a single smart event line cross setup, nothing else setup on this camera.

During the daytime, the event triggers correctly for cars and people crossing the line. No false triggers. But during the night I get lots of false triggers. Some consistent others seemingly at random.

It almost always triggers when flicking from day to night mode and night to day mode
Triggers sometimes when cars pass on the road, which isn't anywhere near the line
Triggers but nothing shows on the playback at all

Here's the line setup.

Here's a typical trigger at night, this one at 5am. No cars passing on this one
2022-09-10 12.00.57.jpg

Any ideas why this may be happening? Could it be due to the white car? Do I need to lower sensitivity? Any ideas welcome :)

Firmware versions are:
NVR: V4.61.000 build 220507
Camera: V5.7.3 build 220216
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Have you tried redrawing the min/max size boxes?

From the above screenshots, it looks like you have the max. object size set to the whole FoV, try redrawing the max. size to be slightly larger than the parked car and the min size to be slightly larger than a cat/dog. This, along with human/vehicle filtering, should help filter out a lot more of the false triggers.