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VCA motion detection green boxes recording?



i own some of the DS-2CD2186G2-ISU with G3 and G5 platform. I'm able to see the blue area boxes and green motion detection boxes via iVMS, similar to this one:


However i would like to record the green boxes / motion detection events via rtsp and without iVMS. I have enabled the following settings, but the substream still just contains the blue area boxes without the green motion detection boxes.


Did i miss anything here or is this not possible?
i'd like to retain the moving green boxes when exporting motion video to an mp4 file but I think it's generated in the browser and stays there for live or recorded view only within the hik vision web interface. If anyone knows if that's possible aside from recording the screen with 3rd party software i'd be happy to hear.
You can enable/disable its display if you playback the exported file with Hikvision free VS Player.
thanks for that, most people i want to send a short vid clip would received it as an attachment and not likely have hik vs player so i've ended up using FreeCam for quickly screengrabbing a playing file with the green boxes still showing until I can work with something easier/faster. cheers though