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How-to: Will the smart tracking feature on a Hikvision PTZ camera allow it to zoom in to its maximum zoom ratio automatically?


Staff member
We're frequently asked if Hikvision PTZ cameras will automatically zoom in to their maximum ratio when they are automatically tracking a target. After talking to Hikvision, we found out that you'll need to do the following to enable the camera to do this:

On the camera's menu (via a web browser) navigate to:

Configuration > PTZ > Smart Tracking

Here, set the Zoom Ratio to its maximum value, which will then allow the camera to automatically zoom to this maximum ratio.
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Hi, can the PTZ zoom immediately once human/ vehicle entering intrusion zone?
if does - how can this be sets?
If you want it to track and zoom the target immediately, using intrusion detection, set the Threshold to its lowest value.
This refers to the time a target can be in the instruction zone before it triggers the event - the lower the threshold the quicker the reaction.

So, with the zoom ratio set to its maximum (or whatever you're happy with), and the threshold set to the lowest, it will zoom in on the target as quickly as the camera's capabilities allow.

Thanks.. it works.. :):)

I also would like to know how to configure, example..

From Initial position once there is a breach inside the intrusion zone the PTZ will zoom in 100%.
I've alreday made this changes as below (tracking zoom ratio), however it still won't zoom in 100%.
