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Can an ANPR camera connected direct to M-Series NVR ftp captured images?


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My understanding is that if you connect a HikVision camera direct to an NVR then it can't access the internet in any way? Is that still correct?

e.g. for my ANPR cameras I set them up to FTP captured images to a remote server. To do that I have had to connect them to a PoE switch even when all my other normal cameras are connected direct to an NVR. It just seems to me ridiculous that to use some features of a camera it CAN'T be connected to an NVR.

Looking at the new M-Series NVR's the specs state something like "Configurable special camera smart functions, such as ... ANPR ..." but I don't really know what that actually means - does it mean I could connect an ANPR camera direct to an M-Series NVR and have working image capture to ftp? Or would I still need to buy a PoE switch purely to support a single ANPR camera as I already do elsewhere?
Sorry, lots of threads and posts slipped past us through the Summer, I'm trawling back through now.
I'm not aware of any changes to this.
Did you work anything out?
@Phil, no prob, but, I am pretty sure the answer is no as the FTP config is on the camera, I could not see any FTP config on the NVR so I couldn't see the M Series being any different to older models in that regard.

Some previous installs I have most cameras connected to NVR then a small PoE switch just to support a single ANPR camera! But now I just tend to put everything on a PoE switch as it works, it's simpler/tidier, easier to manage and more flexible in future.

Still seems a bit crazy to me that in 2024 you can't direct-connect a (very expensive) HikVision ANPR camera to a HikVision NVR and have all it's features work.