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Door Entry DS-KV6113 Door Station - Mechanical Doorbell Function Issue


Trusted Member
A little bug to report with the DS-KV6113-WPE1(c). Or maybe not a bug but improvement needed by Hikvision...

The most recent firmware (2.2.65_230703) added the ability to switch the relay output functionality on the unit from 'Electric Lock' to 'Mechanical Doorbell' as shown below:

Screenshot 2023-11-22 at 14.01.55.png

The idea being if you're using it as a doorbell, there's no longer a need to install an indoor unit that you may not want, just to get a local audible chime; the relay will fire the moment the call button is pressed. Connecting the output across the solder pads of a wireless doorbell push will allow you to have the Hik-Connect call as well as your normal 'ding dong'.

However...the issue is that when set to 'mechanical doorbell', the relay only triggers for the briefest of moments (around 100 milliseconds). That is not enough time to trigger any mechanical doorbell. It's also not enough time to trigger the transmitter of a connected wireless doorbell push. The pulse time either needs to be increased to about 0.5 seconds as standard; or my thought is that they could make it adjustable using the 'door open time' setting in access control:

Screenshot 2023-11-22 at 14.16.07.png

That's the setting for the same relay that has been changed to mechanical doorbell so it would make sense to adjust it there.

@Kyle any chance you could forward my comments to Hikvision support?

I've found that in the UK Byron wireless doorbell pushes will respond to that 100ms relay pulse but Friedland ones will not.
Response from Hikvision support:

"This information has been passed back to our team to see if the duration can be adjusted in the future.

However, currently, all the product lines from the intercom range that support the Mechanical Chime option don't allow the option to change the duration.

So hopefully this can be adjusted in the future."

Sorry to jump on your thread but I am trying to wire the KV6113 to an existing doorbell running on a 220V supply using a 12v relay.
Basicly looking for the two wires in the KV6113 bell to trigger the 12v relay whenever the KV6113 is pressed so that it rings the additional bells in the Villa.
Appreciate any insight or pointers you may have..
BTW i am using the K6113 - WPE 1(b)

Sorry to jump on your thread but I am trying to wire the KV6113 to an existing doorbell running on a 220V supply using a 12v relay.
Basicly looking for the two wires in the KV6113 bell to trigger the 12v relay whenever the KV6113 is pressed so that it rings the additional bells in the Villa.
Appreciate any insight or pointers you may have..
BTW i am using the K6113 - WPE 1(b)
I'd first ensure that the (b) revision of the 6113 supports the function. In Configuration > Intercom > I/O Settings, "Output" should have a dropdown allowing you to switch between "Electric Lock" and "Mechanical Doorbell". If the option isn't there you won't be able to do it without replacing with a (c) revision (unless Hikvision update the firmware on the older device to support the function).

Your doorbell is unlikely to be 220V - it's probably using a 220V to 12 or 24 transformer. If the doorbell has an existing normally open push button to trigger the bell, the relay output of the 6113 would just connect across it in parallel. If you wanted to use a 12V relay you would connect +12V to one side of the relay coil, connect the common of the 6113 relay output to 0V and the normally open of the 6113 relay output to the other side of the relay coil. That should allow your 12V relay to follow the state of the relay in the 6113.

Unfortunately as the pulse of the relay in the 6113 is so brief, I'm 99.99% sure it won't persist long enough for your relay to react (the 6113 relay will close and open before your 12V relay armature begins to move). Four months on there is no firmware update to resolve the pulse duration issue despite Hikvision Support being made aware. You would probably be better scrapping your existing 220V doorbell and trying a wireless one, soldering a pair of wires across the wireless push contacts as I've detailed in another thread. Even that is not guaranteed and will be trial and error finding a wireless push that reacts to speed of the pulse from the 6113.

Thanks for the comprehensive reply !
I will check the configuration and report back. I am currently using the NO for a door lock which is working fine. So really it may be a dead end if I can't get any other wires that can trigger the relay when the bell is activated.

Thanks for the comprehensive reply !
I will check the configuration and report back. I am currently using the NO for a door lock which is working fine. So really it may be a dead end if I can't get any other wires that can trigger the relay when the bell is activated.
As there's only one relay on the unit, even if the firmware supports it you have to choose between using the output for a lock or a doorbell.
"Configuration > Intercom > I/O Settings, "Output" should have a dropdown allowing you to switch between "Electric Lock" and "Mechanical Doorbell". "
Reached a dead end as the above option of I/O settings is missing..:(

Do you know which model of doorbell has TWO relays that will support BOTH lock and mechanical doorbell
Hi, maybe i'm responding to a dead topic, but concerning the 100ms delay, the solution could be to put a shelly1 module in the middle ( i mean between the doorbell & the hikvision relay )
I know for sure that you can configure the input debounce to be @40ms or less.
on the configuration the input would be " momentary mode "
timer @ 1s or 2s ( to unlach the relay just after the bell
So your problem could be solved
Hi, maybe i'm responding to a dead topic, but concerning the 100ms delay, the solution could be to put a shelly1 module in the middle ( i mean between the doorbell & the hikvision relay )
I know for sure that you can configure the input debounce to be @40ms or less.
on the configuration the input would be " momentary mode "
timer @ 1s or 2s ( to unlach the relay just after the bell
So your problem could be solved
I'm sure that'd work if the Shelly input is 'sensitive' enough, but I'd probably avoid adding a further device to get around the issue. Easier to stick a post it note on the door reading "press both doorbells please". Hikvision added the feature but it's unusable unless the device you're connecting to will respond to such a short pulse. In the UK the readily available Byron wireless bell pushes work but not Friedland.