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HikVision Downloads


Staff member
HikVision are right now reorganising their European Downloads portal.
So, in case the reorganisation and renaming of files and folders breaks the links we have previously provided within this forum to specific sections of the portal - this link should take you to the top level of the prtal:

From there you should be able to navigate to software, firmware, etc.
Hopefully, the changes they are impementing will make it simpler to find what you need, especially the correct firmware for your model of DVR, NVR, camera, etc.
Well, HikVision seem to have finished re-organising their downloads portal.
Essentially, they cleared-out lots of older firmware and docs, etc. and placed everything in folders containing 2018 in the title.
Changing their pathnames to pretty much all of their folders and file locations will have broken the links that we have previously provided to help people find files, camera families, etc.
Hopefully, in the event that past links are broken, you will land at the top level of their portal and be able to navigate and find what you need.
I have attached below the HikVision List of IP cameras document which helps you to find the correct firmware for your IP camera.
Specifically, you can search this spreadsheet for your camera's model number, it will tell you which camera family your camera model belongs to, you can then find that family at the download portal, and download the latest available firmware for it.

This document was always available from their European Downloads Portal, but during their reorganisation of the portal this week they have removed it.
It is somewhat dated, but still very useful.
Perhaps they will provide a newer version shortly.

