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Hik-Connect Hikvision video intercom KIS-701 intercom kit no longer rings (Samsung) mobile phones


New Member
I have a KIS-701 door intercom kit installed which has a DS-kv8103-IME2 outdoor unit and DS-KH8304-TCE2 indoor unit

This was installed about six months ago and worked perfectly with HIKCONNECT until recently

Recently HIKCONNECT was upgraded and the unit no longer rings on mobile phones (tried samsung s9 samsung s8 samsung s5)

Installed new current firmwares on both the 8103 and 8340 units and this did not help

Factory reset indoor and outdoor units and removed from HIKCONNECT server

Setup again and added to HIKCONNECT

factory reset again and Downgraded firmwares to previous versions on both units

Deleted all hikvision softwares off phones and reinstalled and deregistered and reregisterd on hikconnect

Tried this with HILOOK also

The only thing i noticed is when you go into the DS-KV8103 on Hikconnect you cannot enable notification (unknown error 380047 operating failed) but this was previously this way when it was working

I just get a message from HIKCONNECT after the intercom timeout to say "The call request has been cancelled"

Anyone had this experience or know how to resolve
Thanks for the update and summary of what is / isn't working @user7364 - I'll feed that back to Hikvision now and outline the key outstanding problems on Hik-Connect 4.14.1 and 4.15.1.

They have confirmed this morning that that your explanation of the other two issues (in post #10) have been passed onto their HQ to fix in future firmware updates.
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i did a quick test when i was home !

its not working... its even worse now with version 4.16

its clear now that they mess around with the notification system of the call system... see the notification banner style 4.14.1 vs 4.16.0




i found an easy way how to test if notification works or not... just close the backround apps ! on version 4.14.1 you still get push notifications if there are no background apps, on version 4.15.1 and 4.16.0 you will never receive a call until you open hik connect again manual (and run it in background). this is not normal. any app should send notifications even if you stop them.... and its working like that on 4.14.1. this is what i love about hikvision. they always mess around, do not test anything and send out updates. best way is not to update if you need your system.

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I believe this is the answer to the issue I raised here:-

Clearly not just Samsung, downgraded to 4.14.1 on my Huawei and it "appears" to have fixed the issue.

Gave up multiple reboots, Google searches, and updates, thought I was alone in having the issue!

Thanks All.
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thanks for you reply. Last time it seemed to be a Samsung bug only, but this could be a bias, cause many people are using Samsung phones.

According to my tests and people from ipcamtalk it is 100% working on 4.14.1 if you have any internet connection.

Have you tried to kill hikconnect from background running and you still receive notifications ? Then it should work fine ;)

Hope Kyle will receive any message from hikvision support that they know its a bug and when it will be fixed ;)
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Thanks user7364. Sadly, my euphoria was short lived, after downgrading Hik-connect to 4.14.1 it only worked the first time, but now it's back to "normal" with only a notification, no call setup unless you click on the notification, it then sets up the call from 1.1.1

Out of interest I loaded 1.16.1 on an Acer tablet today and it works every time.

Back to the drawing board for me then, as I feel it's definitely a Huawei phone issue.
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Hey, how do you change that ringtone anyway?

You said:

- change ringtone in system settings (its "2131755059" which is not related to anything on the storage)

For me , i always have the same hikvision ringtone
If i look in your screenshot , you can setup different kind of notifications for each category... For me they all look the same, i don't have ringtone there and banner settings

Using OnePlus 6t phone here
Have a look at my screenshot, it's in dutch, but that doesn't mather


  • Screenshot_20210709-203610.jpg
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on huawei phone you can change notification behaviour for all apps different. so you can set tone, vibrate (on/off/scheme), if you want banner , lockscreen .... and you can do it for each different type ... there could be many ... see screens and the example of whatsapp (which have MANY types of different notifications).

its also possible on any ios device..

if you are able to root your phone, you may find "2131755059". i dont have access to it, because root not possible on huawei phone since 2020.. i tried via adb shell, but no luck because many folders has permission denied ;)

but hikconnect is really bad developed. it always override the settings with a new notification type (thats why you have so many ,,, i only see 3) .. i think you mention it somewhere here earlier.

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on huawei phone you can change notification behaviour for all apps different. so you can set tone, vibrate (on/off/scheme), if you want banner , lockscreen .... and you can do it for each different type ... there could be many ... see screens and the example of whatsapp (which have MANY types of different notifications)

if you are able to root your phone, you may find "2131755059". i dont have access to it, because root not possible on huawei phone since 2020.. i tried via adb shell, but no luck because many folders has permission denied ;)

but hikconnect is really bad developed. it always override the settings with a new notification type (thats why you have so many ,,, i only see 3) .. i think you mention it somewhere here earlier.

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Ah ok, it's phone specific, didn't know that.
Yeah, i started a thread about this earlier, indeed , it creates a new notification each time...

Anyway, back to the issue, i also contacted our supplier with this issue on 4.15 and 4.16, they have close contact to r&d, let's hope they don't get default answers from hikvision
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hope you have luck. me as customer only get not helpful answers... ;)

but kyle contacted them ... and they also said that they plan update to change ringtone.. maybe light at the end of the tunnel ;)
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