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Incorrect user name or password after NVR reset/reboot?


Active Member
I had my cameras disconnected whilst I was having some work done.
Over the weekend I reconnected them and all good.
When looked at one of the cameras the picture wasn’t as sharp as the others through the app so I waited till I came home and looked from the NVR and was still the same ( no settings have been changed at this point ).
I looked through the video setting and increased the fps but still the same.
I reset the NVR and when it rebooted the cameras are now saying wrong user name or password, however I haven’t deleted anything.

Any ideas on what I could have done or how to fix it?


Ok so a bit of an update.

I used the SADP tool to find the IP address of one camera then added it manually on the NVR and I got it working.
Done it for the other 3 cameras and all good :)

So then, in my wisdom, I upgraded the NVR firmware to 5.02 and it looked very slick, but I lost my cameras again!

I reset the whole system and got them back online.
So I left it as it is over night.

Just on the train / logging in via the app and it’s saying again now that the user name or password is incorrect.

I give up!
Yea and no I can view the cameras at home but I am now unable to log on via the app if I’m not not at home. When I go through the settings it’s saying that the HIK Connect if offline so I expect that the NVR isn’t connecting to HIk visions server. I have tried everything on this but can’t get it to work
Did you change your ISP, router or similar whilst your system was disconnected? (as per your Post #1)
I have had the router replaced but I can’t remember if this was before or after I had problems
Your symptoms are fairly typical of a router replacement (which often results in a new network domain range, gateway address, camera IP addresses etc.).

You've mentioned that you have SADP - use it to find your NVR.
Log into the NVR at the IP address shown in SADP.
Check the Network Settings in the NVR.
Make sure that it has an IP address that is releavnt for your new / current domain range.
And that the Gateway Address entered in the NVR's Network Settings actually is the IP address of your new/current router.

Other steps may be needed depending on whether your cameras are plugged into the back of your NVR, or are connected elsewhere on your LAN.
The NVR has the same ip as this is reserved so no problems there. Main problem now is that the NVR isn’t connect to HIk Vision server (saying offline) for the use of their app. I can use the app to connect to the NVR whilst it’s using the same network but as soon as I try to log in using mobile data it doesn’t connect.
Hi @paul73mt

Check your DNS setting.
Goto Network-Basic Settings-DNS server
If Auto DNS is enabled check what is the fade DNS address. This could be your router gateway, usually or Google
If the DNS address is blank, then disable Auto DNS and add manually either or your routers Gateway
I had a similar issue and Hikconnect could not go online.
Thanks for the reply alfaclvi it’s now showing that the NVR is online so one step closer but still unable to log on remotely via the app using data.
Can you log in your account here and check if your NVR is added on this?

Nothing is showing so I will need to add the NVR not sure how it’s been “lost” but there you go. Thanks for the info