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Firmware Latest HikVision Firmware for M-Series NVRs (with 5.0 GUI) - V5.01.060_240110

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I 'upgraded' to the V5 firmware on my 7616-M2 series NVR and ran straight into the failed camera stream syndrome where all the streamed cameras fail to be recognised. (I don't use the NVR POE ports at all as all my cameras are collected by a remote gigabit POE switch elsewhere). As someone else has mentioned, the good news is that you can revert back to the 'old' v4 firmware*, (personally I preferred the old v3 firmware, but that's progress..). The bad news is you'll find that you have to reactivate your NVR, (losing all your settings in the process), and re-initialise your hard drive(s) so you lose all your recordings and have to reinstall all your cameras too. What a dog's breakfast... I suspect that it is probably down to something simple like the NVR ending up on the 'wrong' network IP address after the v5 'upgrade'. When I've recovered my strength and my hair regrows I'll try again, but for anyone else - make sure your v5 upgraded NVR is on the same network as your cameras and does that sort the problem of the camera stream not being recognised?
Apologies if someone else has posted the above 'one simple trick' answer elsewhere, but I couldn't find it...

*v4 firmware - if you previously downloaded it you should find that the old v4 firmware is still in your downloads folder.
Manually configured cameras just add differently. It's as simple as turning off the plug and play switch from 'Device Access' and then re-adding them from visible devices. I'm not sure why the new V5 firmware created this breaking change but it does and it's very easy to resolve (unlike downgrading which takes substantially longer)
Manually configured cameras just add differently. It's as simple as turning off the plug and play switch from 'Device Access' and then re-adding them from visible devices. I'm not sure why the new V5 firmware created this breaking change but it does and it's very easy to resolve (unlike downgrading which takes substantially longer)
When I turn off the Plug and Play and add them as a visable device, the only way to do this is to add them as an RTSP stream. Then all you get is a video stream, no smart events, etc. Plus since these are directly connected to the NVR, the NVR dictates the settings and overrides the camera settings.
BTW, if you downgrade from a major version like V5.. to V4.. and you have not disconnected Hikconnect before the downgrade, your NVR will get blacklisted and it is a pain to ask Hikvision to remove it. I know I have been through this.

It's good you know that! I've been though that too... Hikvision support does get it cleared up in a day or so after you contact them.

I am curious, why do you think Hikvision will only allow genuine Hikvision cameras to connect using the HIKVISION protocol from now on. Maybe it’s a bug and they have not realised it?

Hopefully, it is just a bug.
It's good you know that! I've been though that too... Hikvision support does get it cleared up in a day or so after you contact them.

Hopefully, it is just a bug.
Actually I have been in contact with Hikvision for 2 weeks and my new NVR is still blacklisted. Everytime they release it, Hikconnect goes online for a mimute then again blacklisted, they are still looking into it. :-( When yours was blacklisted, di you get teh error code 'Offline(0xe0020008)' ?
Everytime they release it, Hikconnect goes online for a mimute then again blacklisted, they are still looking into it. :-( When yours was blacklisted, di you get teh error code 'Offline(0xe0020008)' ?

Dear customer,
Please try to online again, this issue must been solved, thanks for your support to Hikvision.

I tried… the system when to Online status but a few minutes later returned to Offline (0xe0020008) Can you try resetting it again?
Thanks again,

Dear customer,
The issue have been solved. Please try again.

and it did work... So yes, same thing here but after the first hiccup the system went right back online.
Dear customer,
Please try to online again, this issue must been solved, thanks for your support to Hikvision.

I tried… the system when to Online status but a few minutes later returned to Offline (0xe0020008) Can you try resetting it again?
Thanks again,

Dear customer,
The issue have been solved. Please try again.

and it did work... So yes, same thing here but after the first hiccup the system went right back online.
Hmm, wonder why they can not fix mine.
When I turn off the Plug and Play and add them as a visable device, the only way to do this is to add them as an RTSP stream. Then all you get is a video stream, no smart events, etc. Plus since these are directly connected to the NVR, the NVR dictates the settings and overrides the camera settings.
I’d missed that they were ONVIF. Just read your original post
I’d missed that they were ONVIF. Just read your original post
So I have an odd situation, The 2 non-hik cameras that worked with the Hikvision protocol on version 4.X did not work with version 5.X, so in 4,X I changed them to ONVIF and they work with the ONVIF protocol seamlessly. So I then updated again to 5.X and it does not even recongnise the cameras as ONVIF for the 2. I do not want to use a RTSP stream, since I am then limited. Any ideas?
Maybe, try logging into www.hik-connect.com with a web browser and make sure the NVR is not listed under devices... if it is, delete it and ask support@hikvision.com to try again?

Also, now that you are back on V5.X, maybe that will get you back online before or after contacting Hikvision again... I realize that doesn't help if you intend to downgrade to V4.X again for the 2 cameras that won't connect, but it might give you some insight as to what is causing the "offline" issue.
Also, now that you are back on V5.X, maybe that will get you back online before or after contacting Hikvision again... I realize that doesn't help if you intend to downgrade to V4.X again for the 2 cameras that won't connect, but it might give you some insight as to what is causing the "offline" issue.
Hikvision already tried removing me from the Blacklist when I was on 4.x and 5.X sevral times, so they are still trying to figure it out.
Also, now that you are back on V5.X, maybe that will get you back online before or after contacting Hikvision again... I realize that doesn't help if you intend to downgrade to V4.X again for the 2 cameras that won't connect, but it might give you some insight as to what is causing the "offline" issue.
Sorry forgot to mention that there are no devices linked in Hikconnect
I think the Hikvision and ONVIF protocol is broken on 5.x firmware. Can anyone confirm if they have managed to connect a non-Hik camera on 5.x using either the Hikvision or ONVIF protocol?
NB If you are running V5 firmware, Hikvision have JUST publicly declared a vulnerability and recommend that you update to V5.02.006:

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Wondering if anyone has a fix for trying to add my KV6113Wpe1(C) doorbell to my 7608NI-M2 NVR.
I've been speaking to Hikvision about this, they're going to release a fix in the next public firmware release which means you do not have to use the "Hikvision_RTSP" protocol, which doesn't allow you to set motion detection up for the villa and modular intercom main door stations (doorbells) on the NVR .

They estimate this will be available in June.

However, if you need to urgently add your doorbell using the Hikvision protocol, then you can use this customised version:

Please note that we've found this will factory reset your NVR, so you will need to add all of your cameras and configure all of your settings from scratch.
It did not affect the hard drives for us - we're still able to access all of our recordings prior to installing this customised firmware.

It's also a customised version of an earlier V5 firmware (V5.02.000), so there's a good chance it will have bugs mentioned earlier in this thread.

If you can live without motion detection on your doorbell, we recommend waiting for the public firmware release.
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