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OSD Settings - Save Failure - Invalid Parameter


New Member
I am trying to turn off the overlay under Images > OSD Settings


However each save renders - Invalid Parameter

How can I fix this? I am using the latest firmware. The overlay is annoy because BI picks it up as movement.
Vivotek AI Network Video Recorders
The plug-in message in the centre of the video preview window would indicate that you've not installed the Web Components plugin, or are using a browser in which this isn't possible due to compatibility issues. This can prevent you from adjusting settings on the camera when using a web browser.

Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Opera do not currently support the plugin required by the camera, so you'd need to use a browser that does, such as Mozilla Firefox.

I'd suggest you try Firefox, download and install the plugin and try again,
Thank you, that worked. Strange to require the web plugin just to save some settings. Nevertheless, its working now.