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Problems with Hotmail emails from ANPR camera & NVR?


Well-Known Member
Has anyone had issues with Hotmail accounts not working this week? Finally after weeks I’d having a poorly setup ANPR it was fixed, the emails have worked flawless for over a year and now stopped on Thursday afternoon.
The NVR and ANPR email settings are identical, the NVR can successfully send a test email. The ANPR can’t. Just my luck with tech, pisses me right off!!!!
The bloody thing has also given itself a new IP address this morning 2 hours after I logged on, what’s going on there!
So I attempted rebooted the ANPR camera this morning. Waiting ages and it wouldn’t come back online. Then rebooted the NVR and the thing still won’t come online. I’ve looked on camera management and the IP address for the ANPR is out of sequence with the rest. Even when you get a pro setting up your system the HIK stuff is utter pony! I am so angry with this constant stream of problems technology causes me on a daily basis. Why can’t things just work!!!!
Buy Hikvision they said, it’s the best said! Rebooted again and now it’s killed another camera off! Spoken the supplier and get told I’m preaching to the converted on how rubbish Hik’s software is.
It’s also killed the both HDMI ports on the NVR, so I can’t even log in locally now either.
Why do you suppliers not kick off and give them stick? It’s madness if they’re not kicked they’ll keep on pumping out sub par software which is poorly tested!


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Hi @R_M

Can you confirm the model of your NVR and the firmware that's installed on it, please, found in System>System Settings>Basic Information?

I think there may be issues currently with Outlook and Hotmail addresses, as I was struggling to get these working last week, but things worked perfectly well.
Although, it is worth checking that your DNS servers are still set to and in Network>Basic Settings>TCP/IP.

Can you also send a screenshot of your email settings on the NVR please (you can block out all of the email addresses)?

You may need to set up an app password in Outlook/Hotmail now, so I'd try following these steps and entering the new app password on the NVR's email settings page - Google moved to app passwords recently and it broke all email notifications that were set up with the general password:

Manage app passwords for two-step verification - Microsoft Support

If you also have DHCP ticked on this page, then this will be why the NVR was assigned a new IP address, as this gets the router to manage the IP address - if you untick it, it should keep the current IP.

Regarding the ANPR camera, is this connected directly to the NVR's PoE ports, or across the network via a POE switch?
Can you send a screenshot of the whole camera management page showing the IP address set for all the channels, and the ANPR one that is out of sequence?
Can you also download the SADP tool and send a screenshot from that showing the Hikvision devices on your network, please?

Finally, for the loss of HDMI output, I would check that the display settings are still correct and match your monitor/TV in System>System Settings>Menu Output, and also that HDMI is selected in System>Live View Settings, resetting the NVR might have defaulted these settings which would stop the displays working.
Hi Kyle,

Thanks for getting back to me.

The NVR is an iDS-7716NXI-I4/16P/X
FW: V4.61.010 build 220527
DCHP is also turned on as you suggested.

The DNS is set to auto and an IP address looks predefined - I have just gone in to Network -> Advanced -> Email, and have been able to successfully send a test email from the NVR. This was the case the morning too.

The ANPR, and 2 PTZs have their own POE injectors.
Upon discovering the email issues I decided to try a reboot on the camera (which seemed reasonable given the fault).
The camera did not come back online and remained offline within camera management. I gave it 15mins and then rebooted the NVR, again from the web interface.
The ANPR still failed to come online, and now another camera which is power by the NVR port wont come online either.
I have an HP laptop with no Lan port. However I ran a patch lead from the laptop, to port 9, which is unused. I disconnected from the wifi network and ran SADP and got no results, not even the NVR. I also plugged the laptop & ANPR in to a POE swich I have, and again no results. The ethernet is enabled on the laptop (I sometime hardwire in the wifi network with no issues)
I then tried the ANPR back in the NVR without the POE injector and no joy still.
The resolution remains as previously set - 1080p on both ports. Again before today its worked every time I have used it.
Further update. I have managed to get the ANPR and the Colurvu back online. I ran SADP on port 9 and this time rebooted SADP, it pulled up all cams, bar the front colourvu. I then remembered I have flipped the power down to short run on the ANPR when I put it on the injector. I dug out an old screen and VGA cable and managed to get on locally to make the change the power setting.
Upon doing so the ANPR came back to life powered by the NVR. I then just unplugged the other non working cam and then plugged back in again. After a few mins this was back online.
After all that email started working again.
This should have been simple reboot. It’s turned in to a ruined day for me from all the stress it caused. It fully backs why I’ve been saying for a long time that Hik’s software leaves a lot to be desired! I really wish you guys would plough in to Hik like I’m about to!
Thanks for the updates, I'm glad you managed to resolve everything.
Are you still having problems with using the HDMI ports?

I'd also update to the newest firmware, which you can download at the bottom of this page, as it should hopefully iron out some bugs / improve performance:

We do feedback problems to Hikvision UK, who pass things onto their HQ in China, but it's always worth end users doing so too - we've seen slow progress with ongoing gripes like modern browser compatibility. As their equipment is so widely used, it's just a case of getting their HQ to pay attention!
Thanks for the updates, I'm glad you managed to resolve everything.
Are you still having problems with using the HDMI ports?

I'd also update to the newest firmware, which you can download at the bottom of this page, as it should hopefully iron out some bugs / improve performance:

We do feedback problems to Hikvision UK, who pass things onto their HQ in China, but it's always worth end users doing so too - we've seen slow progress with ongoing gripes like modern browser compatibility. As their equipment is so widely used, it's just a case of getting their HQ to pay attention!
I have to be honest once the cameras were up and running I shut the door and ran!
I’ll look at the software update, but given my current luck I won’t doing that myself!
I have hammered Hik before and I’ll do so again. Their reluctance to take feedback, or criticism personally is one which’s really grinds on me. They hide behind suppliers, who are my experience are brilliant, and leave them taking the flack for Hik’s woes!
Thanks once again for your help on these issues :)
No problem! I've just tested our iDS-7716NXI-I4/16P/X with the newest firmware and there are no obvious issues, and I can't see any problems that have been reported with that version, so there should be no issues with updating to V4.62.205_230220 :)

It also feels like it works better in modern browsers after updating, so you should be able to use the web interface without enabling Internet Explorer mode on Edge / Chrome / Firefox.

Instructions for doing firmware updates are here if you ever need them: