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Rain setting off intrusion detection ( help )

Every camera/light/scene scenario is different - so there's no one 'best' setting suits all - but the shutter speed you still have set to 1/25 which will give you blurry images at night when people walk or run through your scene. I usually set mine to 1/100th of a second - and then adjust other parameters around it if necessary. In the day time, 1/100th is fine - you won't notice a difference - at night it might make the image slightly darker in the distance - but it'll give you sharper (not perfectly sharp) images of people which is more important than a blurry face and a nicely exposed piece of grass. Once it's dark - walk through the image at 1/25 and then again at 1/100 - and you should see some difference to the quality of what you look like. Don't rely on how pretty it looks in the dark by being able to see the grass. If there's enough ambient light you could even take it up another notch. It's trial and error though to work out what's best in your circumstance.
Appreciate you taking time to reply. That was a pic I took before I changed it to 100 ( should not have posted that one).

Regarding the other settings , sharpness , exposure etc in the other pictures, are they in an area that would be acceptable?

Totally understand if you don’t want to take the time to reply.
All the other settings I would only change if I was there myself, and could see the impact live on screen as I was adjusting them as needed. As I say - every scene is unique - every camera slightly different - and there's no one hat fits all policy when it comes to settings. The only one I can advise changing remotely is the shutter speed and the thresholds - everything else is unique to its own camera view.