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Sanyo VDC-HD3300P IP camera dropping connection?


Staff member
Eventually have the camera installed and images are great, but for some reason the camera has a tendency to drop the connection to the router and freeze.

Only a power-off and restart seems to cure this. I was wondering if anyone else has had a similar problem or if there is something I should be investigating?

It is also very sensitive to hunting with IR even with the luminance settings at the widest apart settings available, again any help would be appreciated.
Are you using a fixed IP address for the camera?
Is that remaining the same?
I assume you mean you have to cycle the camera's power to get a reconnection?

Is there any pattern to when this happens? e.g. frequency or time of day?

Are you recording the camera?
If so, PC or NVR?

What video compression mode are you using?

No reports from other customers of the new Sanyo HD cameras dropping their connection.

I've got a couple of these installed, I did get a call last week to say that one had stopped working, and then 12 hours later the other. They had both been on and recording non stop in Luxriot since Dec 18th 2009.

A quick power down (pulled the patch lead at the switch) and power up and they both have come back on and seem to be working fine again.

I do recommend using a static IP though - makes everything much simpler.

Good luck with your Sanyo!

Thanks Harv.

Mine are on fixed IP's and have been behaving for a week or so now. I did null the address for multicast as it was the only network setting which had been left at the default.

Could be a coincidence, but no problems since.

I have fitted an x10 appliance controller so I can power up and down remotely and that works very well!
