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The old chestnut - Live View Failed using web browser over the internet?

Thanks! Really appreciated!

Just out of interest - with Channel Zero enabled does it appear as an "11th" camera feed on your 9-up live view?

The reason I ask is I'm sure that when I first tried Channel Zero - and it seemed to work - with the NVR at home. I recall it appearing as a 3rd live stream alongside the two cameras. Unfortunately, other than turning on Channel Zero in the video settings, I can't recall what I did to get that to happen.
Thanks! Really appreciated!

Just out of interest - with Channel Zero enabled does it appear as an "11th" camera feed on your 9-up live view?
On the HDMI connected monitor - no.
On the Hik-Connect app - no. You can enable or disable channel zero in the app settings and I have it disabled.
On the browser live view - yes. Channel Zero appears in the left side list beneath the other enabled cameras and will appear in the multiscreen view if the format is set to a sufficient grid size (4 x 4 in my case)
I definitely think I have a problem - but no idea what.

Connected to the remote LAN via VPN I can sign into the web interface and do the normal live view on the NVR.

I can enable Channel Zero and the Live View switches to 9-up. If I shrink and expand the right hand panel I can see Channel Zero appear in the 5th channel position (this is only a 4 channel NVR) but the video stream from it is completely blank..

I see if I can do some pics.


Some pics. These were done connected to the site via VPN on the sites DrayTek Vigor 2865 router. So I am in effect on the local LAN.

I can watch the live view:

NVR Channel Zero Disabled.JPG

I can then enable Channel Zero:

NVR Channel Zero Enabled.JPG

I can then swtich to the live view and see that it has changed to showing the sub-channels and 9-up. It also seems to be trying to show the Channel Zero combined stream in the place where Channel 5 would be - remembering this is a 4 channel NVR. However, it is just black:

NVR Channel Zero Enabled Blank Stream.JPG

And if I try using VLC to view it via RTSP, over the VPN, all I get is the login box then a blank video feed.
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Strange. Although you can enable Channel Zero remotely using the web browser, you cannot configure anything else to do with it remotely. From one of my last messages:

"System > General > Live View > General > Video Output Interface (select Aux CVBS/Channel-Zero) > Live View Mode (set to 3 x 3) and it works as wanted."

I configured that using the menu on a locally connected monitor. Now, on my M series NVR you can access the live view settings (IE control what is shown on monitors that are connected directly to the NVR) using the web browser as it has a newer menu. On your NVR you don't get to see those additional options while connected via browser.

I would make sure that your NVR is on the very latest firmware as they [Hikvision] have updated the web browser menu on some models in the latest firmware to add that functionality. I've read back through this post and you don't mention what version firmware is currently running on your NVR. Keep in mind that often I buy brand new Hikvision cameras, NVRs, DVRs and need to update them before installation as newer firmware has been released while the product was on the shelf.

The latest version for your model is 4.72.109_230107 available at the bottom of the linked page:

It is strange is it not LOL.

I wonder if there are options in the local menu - when you are using a physically attached monitor and mouse - that are not fully replicated in the web GUI?

The one time I do remember it seeming to work it was sitting on my table at home on the VGA input to one of my monitors with one of (!!) my desktops connected to the DVI input (via a Display Port to DVI cable). I can't recall if I tried turning it on then in the local menu or via the web GUI.

I'm not sure when I will have a monitor on site where the NVR is as it is still rather a "building site" during refurbishment. I might be able to take one with me next time I go (by train!) and see. I'll have to bring it back by train....

The NVR itself is a more basic model than your M series, which may (or may not) be relevant.

The very first thing I did within an hour of unboxing it was upgrade the firmware to:

NVR Channel Zero 3.JPG

I always seem to come up with the head scratchers LOL

"Keep in mind that often I buy brand new Hikvision cameras, NVRs, DVRs and need to update them before installation as newer firmware has been released while the product was on the shelf."

I've been doing IT for 35+ years including working for two hardware manufacturers. You're preaching to the converted there!

At one (Oki) there were some products which by the time they were launched in the UK were already EOL in Japan! And that was before FLASH firmware. We had to physically yank EPROMs and reprogram them.

It is the same with almost anyting containing firmware. By the time it gets into the hands of customers it is several versions behind due to production and sales channel "pipelines".
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It is strange is it not LOL.

I wonder if there are options in the local menu - when you are using a physically attached monitor and mouse - that are not fully replicated in the web GUI?

The one time I do remember it seeming to work it was sitting on my table at home on the VGA input to one of my monitors with one of (!!) my desktops connected to the DVI input (via a Display Port to DVI cable). I can't recall if I tried turning it on then in the local menu or via the web GUI.

I'm not sure when I will have a monitor on site where the NVR is as it is still rather a "building site" during refurbishment. I might be able to take one with me next time I go (by train!) and see. I'll have to bring it back by train....

The NVR itself is a more basic model than your M series, which may (or may not) be relevant.

The very first thing I did within an hour of unboxing it was upgrade the firmware to:

View attachment 9444

I always seem to come up with the head scratchers LOL

"Keep in mind that often I buy brand new Hikvision cameras, NVRs, DVRs and need to update them before installation as newer firmware has been released while the product was on the shelf."

I've been doing IT for 35+ years including working for two hardware manufacturers. You're preaching to the converted there!

At one (Oki) there were some products which by the time they were launched in the UK were already EOL in Japan! And that was before FLASH firmware. We had to physically yank EPROMs and reprogram them.

It is the same with almost anyting containing firmware. By the time it gets into the hands of customers it is several versions behind due to production and sales channel "pipelines".
Just to test your thought regarding the NVR model....

I've just remotely logged into a family members K series. Now this is an old one - a DS7616NI-K2/16P - the original one not a B, C or D revision. I've switched on Channel Zero on that one (which has the same web browser GUI as yours). VLC works fine showing channel zero of that one. They only have 6 cameras and it's showing a 4 x 4 screen, as I'd need to change that locally. So it should definitely work regardless of model.

So here is my theory/best guess. You have enabled Channel Zero using the web browser, but on site, as no monitor is or maybe ever was connected, the screen output for channel zero/aux isn't set to show any camera - hence your blank screen.

Edit: I've just tried that on mine - disabling the channels locally from the channel zero view. I get no video but I do still see a "Hikvision" placeholder regardless of whether I view via VLC or the web browser. I do have the RTSP port forwarded so I'm not using VPN.
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Just to test your thought regarding the NVR model....

I've just remotely logged into a family members K series. Now this is an old one - a DS7616NI-K2/16P - the original one not a B, C or D revision. I've switched on Channel Zero on that one (which has the same web browser GUI as yours). VLC works fine showing channel zero of that one. They only have 6 cameras and it's showing a 4 x 4 screen, as I'd need to change that locally. So it should definitely work regardless of model.

So here is my theory/best guess. You have enabled Channel Zero using the web browser, but on site, as no monitor is or maybe ever was connected, the screen output for channel zero/aux isn't set to show any camera - hence your blank screen.
That is a REALLY interesting suggestion. Very much appreciated JB! ;)

I'm definitely going to find a way to get a monitor of some sort up to the site for next weekend when I am next there.

That would sort of tie in with that other thread I found about Channel Zero being blank if no monitor connected. Although in that thread they didn't figure out why. Your theory offers a very plausible and logical explanation.

If I can get Channel Zero working through that, it would solve the major issue of not being able to do live monitoring remotely via a web browser - as I wouldn't need to. I'd just need to live monitor Channel Zero via RTSP.

If I see anything which needs investigation I can then VPN to the NVR and playback the recordings that way.

That would also be a very workable solution for the main site with the Foscam NVR and mix of cameras (4 x Foscam and 5 x HikVision). I've been wanted rid of the Foscams for ages. The really crude motion detection on those is dire.
The aspect ratio is not observed. All segments of the multiscreen image are in 4:3 format rather than 16:9
My bad. VLC for MacOS locks the aspect ratio by default on initial connection. I just needed to change that in VLC (Video > Aspect Ratio > 16:9) once the stream starts.
JB1970 - you are a bloody genius!

I was on site at the weekend with a monitor - a not very good one but a monitor none the less - and went through the local menu settings:

NVR Channel Zero Working 1.JPG

NVR Channel Zero Working 2.JPG

And the result:

NVR Channel Zero Working 3b.jpg

And live view using the NVR web GUI via the VPN:

NVR Channel Zero Working 4b.jpg

Channel Zero now clearly showing in the position of what would be channel 5 - on a 4 channel NVR - and streaming to VLC Media Player over RTSP as Channel 001.

A few issues still to sort out, such as better image resolution and setting the aspect ratio of each channel. I think I need to take a proper 1920 x 1080 capable monitor there to do that on the Local View, View sub menu. The one I took only did 1280 x 720, but enough to prove the concept!


An interesting question - will it retain those channel zero settings if it loses power and comes back on with no monitor attached? We shal see. ;)
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A few issues still to sort out, such as better image resolution and setting the aspect ratio of each channel. I think I need to take a proper 1920 x 1080 capable monitor there to do that on the Local View, View sub menu.
I think I mentioned further up, it's VLC that's messing up the aspect ratio. When connected you can alter it from the VLC view menu, however it defaults back to 4:3 once you stop the stream and reconnect. I couldn't find a way to lock the aspect ratio in VLC, but mine (Mac) hasn't been updated for some time so maybe it's possible.

The issue with channel zero is going to be the image quality. Hikvision have purposely set it up so that you cannot set the bit rate above 2048. So for better quality images all you can do is lower the FPS, so that the available bandwidth is split across less frames of that 2 x 2 image. Alternatively change the window division to 1 x 1 and set the Auto-Switch Interval to 5 seconds, so that all of the available bandwidth is used for one full screen image.

It should keep the settings fine.
Hi JB,

You're right. At least I can set the aspect ratio within VLC, even if it doesn't remember it each time. This is borne out, I think, by the fact when doing live viewing of the NVR via web browser over the private VPN directly to the Draytek, Channel Zero shows up in the correct aspect ratio there.

The image quality is always going to be lower since it is squeezing four streams into one. I think that so long as I have an appropriate monitor connected directly to NVR to set the resolution, I should be able to improve it. The main reason my looks "fuzzy" is that the overall resolution for Channel Zero is set by the monitor I had - 1280 x 720 (or something like that).

So squeezing the existing streams into one and then down to a lower than HD reslution is going to make it look a bit like I'm squinting through foggy glass ;)

The bit rate limit I think is going to have of an effect more when there is movement within the field of view - it will go "blocky" until it catches up. Rather than resolution.

Believe it or not, the larger site with the 9 channel Foscam NVR, we initially had running over standard ADSL! Complete with it's 8MBs download and ~ 800Kbs upload limit. It managed to show all 9 channels in good resolution - they would just keep freezing and dropping out as it struggled to keep up. The original phone line (all 24+ of them!) were all "EO" (Exchange Only) lines - do not go through a lineside cabinet, do not pass go, do not even think of getting FTTC.

Once we persuaded BT OpenReach to "reroute the copper" via an FTTC roadside cabinet we were able to upgrade to 80/20 VDSL and everything has been hunky dory since then.
The main reason my looks "fuzzy" is that the overall resolution for Channel Zero is set by the monitor I had - 1280 x 720 (or something like that).
The channel zero stream resolution can't be adjusted. It's simply a composite of the screen layout selected sent as a fixed resolution single stream with a maximum of 2048Kbps. Connecting a better monitor to it won't affect the resolution of the outgoing stream for channel zero. My NVR HDMI output is connected to a 4K TV and Channel Zero is still very 'soft' with a 2 x 2 layout. Its sole purpose is to provide a means to view the cameras when network conditions are poor. That will be why Hikvision have fixed the resolution and restricted the bit rate...
The channel zero stream resolution can't be adjusted. It's simply a composite of the screen layout selected sent as a fixed resolution single stream with a maximum of 2048Kbps. Connecting a better monitor to it won't affect the resolution of the outgoing stream for channel zero. My NVR HDMI output is connected to a 4K TV and Channel Zero is still very 'soft' with a 2 x 2 layout. Its sole purpose is to provide a means to view the cameras when network conditions are poor. That will be why Hikvision have fixed the resolution and restricted the bit rate...
I fully appreciate the purpose of channel zero.

Looking at the RTSP stream in VLC, it would suggest that resolution is 704 x 576.

NVR Channel Zero Resolution.JPG

Do you know anywhere that resolution is specified?

Just out of interest.
I fully appreciate the purpose of channel zero.

Looking at the RTSP stream in VLC, it would suggest that resolution is 704 x 576. Do you know anywhere that resolution is specified?

Just out of interest.
I don't think it is specified anywhere because it's fixed and can't be adjusted. It's D1 resolution similar to the max that a camera sub stream can be set to (except for the newer 8MP models that can push a 720P sub stream)
People rather than making a new thread thought I'd ask on here
Got a new laptop running win 11 Pro and on my older 1 with thr plug ins I could see various dvr and nvrs through chrome and even ie
Installed chrome plug in and can't see the live view, installed ie plug in for Edge and the same dvr works
Is chrome now dead for live viewing??
Hi @bm_99

What NVR models do you have? If they are older than a certain point then even with the latest firmware they won't function properly in Chrome.
Hi @bm_99

What NVR models do you have? If they are older than a certain point then even with the latest firmware they won't function properly in Chrome.
They vary from site to site, but the 1 in particular that i checked the other day was an old 4 channel hqhi i believe
Okay, we don't have much experience with analog DVRs but assuming that 4-ch DVR is a similar age to the original 7604NI-K1 4-ch NVR, then like that NVR model your DVR probably won't support modern browsers and you would probably be better off accessing it and viewing the cameras via Hikvision free desktop VMS - iVMS-4200(V3.10.0.5_E)