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Urgent - Hikvision Notifications Delayed iPhone


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

Pretty urgent as I go away on holiday in two days and this is the last thing that I need.

I noticed that ALL my notifications are anywhere between 5-40 minutes delayed. This is on both cameras AND AXPro System.

Even arming the system it takes 5-40 minutes to notify me on my iPhone (it was usually 2-3 seconds) and the same with any other notification.

I've just checked and it looks like Hikvision have done an update to the app (so I updated) and now in the notifications it reads out ''Alarm System Armed'' etc.... cool feature.... only thing is its delayed! So they've done something to it.

Just wondering what the best plan is? Obviously, with me being in away in 2 days it couldn't have happened at a more inconvenient time as I was relying on this to give me timely notifcations should anything occur.

To make it clear, everything has been working fine since early on today. My first realisation is the postie didn't pop up on my phone before pressing the bell (which is usually the case).

Thanks all!

I want to add I have tried;
Changing verification password on NVR, disabling Hikconnect on NVR and reenabling -- this was BEFORE i realised that also my AXPRO isn't working... so once I figured that isn't working I guess its 100% a Hikconnect issue instead of it being an NVR issue/setting.
Came here to raise the same thing, looks like Hik have once again released an update which hasn’t been thoroughly tested, they’re a nightmare.
I'm having exactly the same issue, notifications are delayed up to an hour!

This happened around 7.30pm today UK time and before I installed V27 of Hikconnect.

Any idea when this will be fixed?
Funnily enough I noticed the same this evening - about an hour's delay - but I haven't updated anything on my phone - so I imagine it'll be at the Hikvision server end. Hopefully someone will notice and put it back the way it was or fix it.
Thought I had updated this holiday must have taken over. Was 100% their side as it worked the next day. Thank goodness for that!