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Can't get SADP tool to work?

good point about the power supply i just thought all ethernet ports provided power. I've just cut up an LED tape power supply and connected that to the terminals on the camera and I can now find it using the SADP tool! now to find out why the NVR won't pick it up
Vivotek AI Network Video Recorders
good point about the power supply i just thought all ethernet ports provided power. I've just cut up an LED tape power supply and connected that to the terminals on the camera and I can now find it using the SADP tool! now to find out why the NVR won't pick it up
So first - don't connect it to the NVR yet....

Leave the camera connected directly to your laptop. Note the IP address in SADP. Set your laptop network settings to the same IP range (if the cam is, set the laptop to 192.168.1.xxx for instance). Then open your web browser and enter (or whatever the IP address was in SADP) in your browser.

If you get a page with username and password entry box then the camera has already been activated and you'll want to login and reset it by logging in with the password if you know it and resetting via the menu option (factory default settings) Alternatively reset it with the power cable and reset button method.

If an activation screen appears asking you to create a strong password - don't! Just disconnect it.

Once you have a deactivated camera, login to the NVR and in camera settings make sure the camera is set to plug and play by clicking the edit icon in the middle of the entry for the channel you want to add the camera to - you should get a pop up box saying 'plug and play' with the rest greyed out.

Now you can plug the camera in and wait a minute or two and it should activate
Set your laptop network settings to the same IP range (if the cam is, set the laptop to 192.168.1.xxx for instance). Then open your web browser and enter (or whatever the IP address was in SADP) in your browser.
you'll have to explain this a bit more please. The cameras Ip address is yes. how do I set it to the same range?
It's showing as "inactive" in SADP tool and when I've tried to go to that ip address and I see the page asking me to input a password.
you'll have to explain this a bit more please. The cameras Ip address is yes. how do I set it to the same range?
It's showing as "inactive" in SADP tool and when I've tried to go to that ip address and I see the page asking me to input a password.
View attachment 9127View attachment 9128
Great - so it's 'inactive' - I think your issue is that the NVR is looking for the previously activated camera:

Plug the new camera into camera 4 and it should activate after a couple of mins. If it doesn't - unplug it, plug it into camera 3 and put camera 3 (yard) into 4 and they both should come back online after a few minutes (I've had this happen before and once they're both online you're fine to swap them back again)

PS - In future you're better watching a screen connected to the NVR than a web browser as pages don't dynamically refresh and browser history can cause issues
sorted, at first it didn't work, I had to swap another camera but then yes as you said they both came on after a few mins. thanks for your help. I still have another problem but i'm in no rush to sort it out, how do I change the position of the cameras on the screen? "back of house" used to be in the top left, and "garage" used to be in the bottom right, but since last weekend then I swapped them all around "back of house" and "garage" have swapped positions on the screen. I did try physically swapping the cables but that didn't work
sorted, at first it didn't work, I had to swap another camera but then yes as you said they both came on after a few mins. thanks for your help. I still have another problem but i'm in no rush to sort it out, how do I change the position of the cameras on the screen? "back of house" used to be in the top left, and "garage" used to be in the bottom right, but since last weekend then I swapped them all around "back of house" and "garage" have swapped positions on the screen. I did try physically swapping the cables but that didn't work
Great - invoice is in the post :)

That's another reason for using the monitor. You can go into System > Live View (make sure it's on 2 x 2) then > View and you'll see a representation of your 2 x 2 screen. Click the 'x' in each box to clear the current cameras, then highlight each box and double click the camera you want there from the list on the left to repopulate them however you want (it doesn't have to b 1, 2, 3, 4). On some models with new firmware you can do the same using the webpage but there are many where you cannot. That should ensure that whenever the recorder reboots it returns to the same layout.

Edit: You can also just click and drag on the monitor screen and they will switch around, but when the NVR reboots it will return to previous layout.
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That's another reason for using the monitor. You can go into System > Live View (make sure it's on 2 x 2)
I'll give that a try thanks. I do use the NVR for all the system alterations normally, but it's in the loft , so the screenshot I posted earlier from my PC was just easier than going upstairs and taking a photo on my phone and uploading the photo etc
about changing the layout, I can't see any "x's" on there to click. where are they?
I did manage to click and drag them around to the right order on my NVR, but when viewing from a browser they are in the wrong order still
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about changing the layout, I can't see any "x's" on there to click. where are they?
If you want to change them without going into the menu, you can just drag one window over another and they will switch place on the connected monitor. If you want the always to keep a certain layout after reboot you need to do it as I described (using the menu on the connected monitor NOT a browser) Settings > Live View > View. You should see a representation of your 2 x 2 screen with each square populated with D1, D2, D3, D4. In each there is a small X in the top right corner. Clicking it will remove that camera from the view, double clicking a camera from the list on the left will put that camera in that position. It may look slightly different on yours depending on your NVR model and firmware (it might not be there at all if you're on old version 3 NVR firmware.
I don't see any x's. It's a DS-7604NI-K1 / 4P(B), and the current firmware is V4.30.055 build 201111
I don't see any x's. It's a DS-7604NI-K1 / 4P(B), and the current firmware is V4.30.055 build 201111
I can't advise unfortunately as it differs between models and firmwares. However it is certainly possible to arrange the 4 way split screen anyway you want from the Live View settings in the menu (HDMI connected monitor not web) on all models so it's only a couple of mouse clicks.

Your firmware is number of versions out of date, the latest being 4.30.096. There are only minor revisions that will mainly be performance improvements and unspecified bug fixes. The firmware file is on the linked page below: (there are plenty of posts regarding updating on here if you've not before):

Ok I've figured out how to do it on the NVR, but when viewing from a browser it's still the wrong order.
seems I need to somehow change the channels, so that "Back" is D1, and "Garage" is D4?
Ok I've figured out how to do it on the NVR, but when viewing from a browser it's still the wrong order.
seems I need to somehow change the channels, so that "Back" is D1, and "Garage" is D4?

The browser will show D1 to D4 in the expected order (top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right). You can change them temporarily simply by clicking the segment you want to change and then double clicking the cameras in the list on the left a few times until you get it how you want. If you want them to be permanently in a certain order on the browser, you will have to physically swap the inputs around on the NVR to the order you want (of course you'll have to reset the layout on the NVR as well)

After the tart on you've had getting your camera online, does the cameras order really matter? I'll leave it there