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Firmware M series - New Firmware 4.63.020 available

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Trusted Member
New firmware for the M series has appeared on the global product page. There are no release notes as yet and it's not been updated on the UK product page....guinea pigs beware.

I won't post the link as it's not yet on the UK site but the version is 4.63.020 build 230724.
I've loaded it and will edit this with any changes I notice:

1 - Playback speed changes. You can now select x1, x2, x4, x8, x16, x32, x64, x128 and 'XMAX'. XMAX plays back at round 3 minutes per second!
2 - Includes an update to local service components (
3 - I can't find any other changes :)
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I had to downgrade my NVR back to 4.63.010 a few days ago after some issues that I'd not seen since the I series models (a total pain as the downgrade reset and deactivated the NVR). During Smart Playback, the interface froze. The mouse pointer was still usable but the system was completely unresponsive to clicks. When I had similar on the I series it would sort itself after a few moments but this was locked up completely with the web interface was also unresponsive so I was unable to reboot. After around 5 minutes it crashed and rebooted logging an abnormal shutdown. .020 had no changes of interest so I'll await the next update rather than use .020
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The new build includes another new version of local service components.

4.63.020_230724 updated local service components to
4.63.020_230808 updates local service components to
Since upgrading a DS-7716NI-M4 to this firmware I have noticed two things related to Hik-Connect integration:-
  1. Alerts through the Hik-Connect app have stopped (they worked previously) - nothing in the alert history for this NVR, and are being received to the app normally from other NVRs (mostly I series devices).
  2. Using Hik-Connect account binding: Live view works fine, but playback no longer works IF port 8000 is open on the firewall. With it closed it works fine (but more slowly). Using via "Local Device" mode with port 8000 open, also works fine.
I've not had any specific issues with this version so I don't think it's something affecting everyone on this firmware.

Alerts through the Hik-Connect app have stopped (they worked previously) - nothing in the alert history for this NVR, and are being received to the app normally from other NVRs (mostly I series devices).

I had a similar issue yesterday with a completely different NVR model that was newly setup (7604NXI-K1/4P). Line Crossing for all cameras was set to 'Notify Surveillance Center' however nothing was received on the customers phones despite the cameras being armed, notifications being enabled and line crossing events proven to be triggered locally. The firmware for the NVR, like the M series, has the facility to set/zone areas to arm. After creating areas in the Hik-Connect app and adding the cameras to those areas (rather than the camera channels being armed), the issue resolved itself and the event notifications started coming through. Worth a try perhaps....
SSH issue ---- M Series - DS-7616NI --> Firmware Version V4.63.020 build 230808

  1. via browser, login & go to..... Security > Security Service > enable SSH - Port 22 > Save
  2. open terminal emulator (e.g. Putty) & attempt to login to NVR
  3. enter user > admin password > xxxxxxxxxxxx --> Access Denied
  4. enter user > admin password > xxxxxxxxxxxx --> Access Denied
  5. enter user > admin password > xxxxxxxxxxxx --> Access Denied
  6. after 3 attempts, your Putty session is closed
  7. via browser..... Security > Security Service ---- SSH is now disabled
  • illegal login attempts set at 3 is not configurable
  • SSH is disabled indefinitely after 3 attempts (in fairness, so far I haven't waited 24 hours to see if there's any type of timer on this)
  • unable to login via SSH even with the correct admin password
  • has anyone else observed the same behavior with SSH -->> V4.63.020 build 230808 on an M series ? Maybe it's something unique to my environment, and I'm not seeing it.
  • unable to login via SSH..... probably not a big ticket item for most customers, but is this a problem ? From my vantage point, I'm thinking it is. If so, I'll proceed & open a ticket with Hikvision. I would be curious though if others have encountered this too.
  1. via browser, login & go to..... Security > Security Service > enable SSH - Port 22 > Save
  2. open terminal emulator (e.g. Putty) & attempt to login to NVR
  • illegal login attempts set at 3 is not configurable
It seems that unlike the IP cameras, the illegal login attempt number cannot be set on the NVR.
  • has anyone else observed the same behavior with SSH -->> V4.63.020 build 230808 on an M series ? Maybe it's something unique to my environment, and I'm not seeing it.
It's not something I use but for the sake of a few mouse clicks and my curiosity, I enabled it and installed Putty (MacOS Terminal wouldn't connect at all resulting in a 'no matching host key type found. Theiroffer: ssh-rsa') error.

I got the same result as you; I was unable to connect with correct credentials. Illegal login attempts were logged and SSH was disabled after three attempts. I have the DS-7616NI-M2/16P with the same firmware version. There's nothing unusual in my setup; everything is on one subnet with no VLANS. It looks as though you've discovered a bug.
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JB... thx for confirming you observed the same SSH mis-behavior. That was a lot of extra steps you went thru.... kudos to you for going that extra mile.

You too noticed the difference in how the "illegal login attempts" are handled. Configurable in the G5 cameras. Not configurable in the NVR.

I won't criticize their design point differences. Is terminating SSH (aka shutting down SSH Port 22) after 3 illegal attempts a reasonable design point ? Maybe, maybe not. Depends on their design constraints I guess.

But hey, it should work if one enters the correct credentials ! Lol !

Chances are HIK already knows about this SSH flaw, but in any event I will proceed & open a ticket. Cheers!
FWIW, a minor update on where SSH is at on V4.63.020 build 230808 firmware.

I did open a ticket & I've been attempting to work the problem with HIK.

Progress thus far:
  • non-root ssh logins continue to fail
  • "root" login via ssh works.
    • but it seems ONLY "root" login via ssh is supported
    • "root" illegal login attempts appears to be pre-set at 6.
  • the bad news is, a "root" login takes you to a "psh" shell that is "empty". By "empty" I mean there's nothing there but a black hole. No basic commands work. Refer to the pic to get the idea.
At this point I'm in wait mode (for about 2 weeks now) waiting for HIK to address the black hole.


  • root ssh login.JPG
    root ssh login.JPG
    53.2 KB · Views: 111
Well, how 'bout that, kudos to HIK for addressing my "ssh" concern.

ssh seems to be fixed in Version V4.63.025 build 231201.

You must login with "root" but the black hole is gone. The "psh" shell now has a few tools available. Carry on !
Thread for this next newest firmware version is here:

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