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  • Good Morning Dan.
    Is there something wrong with my post here?
    It is invisible to forum from August 19th and there is a message on the top saying,
    "This message is awaiting moderator approval, and is invisible to normal visitors."
    Hi, apologies about that, we get lots of spam comments that get automatically blocked by the forum software, it is now live on the forum for everyone to see and I will take a look at it myself and get back to you with some advice. (our knowledge of AcuSense is limited as it is a very new range so there may be another forum user with more knowledge than us for this specific topic)
    hello sir,
    i dont now if you can helep me ,
    I have a camera ip hikvision DS-2CD2043G0-I connected directly to my laptop, the mainview works very well recording also very well on the partition D of the hard drive, but the playback tells me that the file is not found
    think you sir
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